你的二十歲怎麼過,人生就可能怎麼過。心理學家Meg Jay博士在著作<The Defining Decade:Why your twenties matter and how to make the most of them now>中說,二十多歲的十年,不該只是探索、期待船到橋頭自然直。本文介紹Meg Jay提出的精采要點,大聲唸出每一點,還沒做到的,人生下一個十年一定要學會。


a) 情境、想像
b) 克制
c) 重拾

1. Get The Best Job You Can Get
A lot of people think it’s necessary to start with a job they don’t like and wait for their chances. Actually, getting the best job you can get is important—The experience will become the 1)bargaining chip of your future. Don’t waste time waiting.
1. 堅持選擇最佳的工作

2. Not Making A Choice Is A Choice
Some young adults decide to stay at home or be part-time workers because they think they are “opening for options”, but putting the choice 2) up in the air results in a thin resume.
2. 別決定「不做決定」

3. It's Going To Take Time to Get Good At Your Job
Young people can’t wait to get everything on track, but it usually takes years to master a job. What you can learn when you still have the chance making mistakes is the 3) bottom line at the beginning of your career.
3. 當菜鳥是必經過程

4. Get Some Perspective
Young people often have their a) scenarios of superiors. They might be sensitive to criticisms and suggestions. Don’t just obey. Try to get some perspectives.
4. 學著有觀點

5. Learn to Be Comfortable in Your Own Skin.
Confidence is attractive. Stop thinking about what other people might say about you, just believe that yourself are the best.
5. 學著自在做自己

6. Find something you’re passionate about (that’s not related to making money) and pursue it.
Find something that you’ll still do even if you know you won’t make any money from it. You will find that life becomes happier.
6. 賺錢之餘,找到你的熱情所在

7. Learn to Manage Your Money Effectively
Saving money is the first step for taking a break, starting a side project, and retirement. b) Refrain from shopping and learn to make a long-term plan for your money.
7. 學會理財

8. Educate Yourself. Gather Worldly Knowledge
Educate yourself doesn’t mean you should c) retrieve your textbooks and go back to college. Try to gather knowledge in work and daily life. You can educate yourself by reading, traveling or even working.
8. 教育自己,大量吸收知識

9. Be a Great Friend to a Very Small Number of People.
Stop making hundreds of friends on Facebook but have none in the real life. Know the meaning of friendship. You can only have a few friends as long as you are true friends in life.
9. 縮小交友圈,建立真關係


1. bargaining chip 談判籌碼
在賭場中做為籌碼的塑膠硬幣稱為 “chip”,而談判中討價還價的條件便是bargaining chip了。
I want to use their difficult position as a bargaining chip in the negotiation. 我想將他們的困境作為我們談判的籌碼。

2. up in the air懸而未定
up in the air 直譯是懸浮於空中,指事情依舊漂浮不定,尚未有結果。
The whole future of this selling plan is still up in the air. 這項銷售計劃的未來依舊懸而未定。

3. bottom line 重點,最重要的事物
bottom line 即是底線的意思,也可指所有事物中最重要或最基本的要素。

The bottom line is how we get enough money to complete this project.





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