每種語言都一樣,有「實」也有「虛」,「虛」指的是有些句子或片語沒太大意思,不說也沒什麼大不了,但只要是native speaker的溝通,就會不斷地出現這些元素,中文不也是一樣,「我就說吧...」「信不信...」「恕我冒昩」這些虛話不是傳達訊息,而是製造情境,以下美語也有異曲同工之妙,各位看看吧!


At the end of the day 最終;總的來說

Sure, we missed our best player. But at the end of the day, we just didn't play well enough to win the game.(我們最好的選手不能上場,但是最終來說,還是因為我們表現不好,所以無法贏得比賽。)

Fairly unique 相當獨特(其實很含糊,怎麼個獨特法)

I am looking for a fairly unique piece of technology.(我在尋找一種獨特的技術。)

I personally 我個人


I personally don't like her.(我不喜歡她。)

With all due respect 恕我直言;冒昧的說;我並不想冒犯

With all due respect, I think there are some facts you have not considered.(恕我直言,我想你忽略了一些事實。)

Absolutely 絕對

It is absolutely impossible.(絕對不可能。)

Shouldn't of
這個片語等於shouldn't have,意為「不應該」,語法不正確,但是在口頭表達中經常使用。
I shouldn't have had the beer!(我不該喝啤酒。)

It's not rocket science 顯而易見的;常見的

另一種說法是it doesn't take a rocket scientist.
We're talking basic common sense here - it isn't rocket science.(我們說的是常識,又不是什麼了不起的學問。)




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